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Trudy Odtela Drevnerusskoi Literatury

1. Editor-in-chief

Ponyrko Nataliia Vladimirovna, Doctor of Philology, professor, Head of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

2.  Editorial Board

Rudy T. R., Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

Semiachko S. N., Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

Sokolova L. V., Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

Pigin A. V., Doctor of Philology, Principal Researcher of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

Panchenko O. V., Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

Karbasova T. B., Candidate of Philology, Researcher of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

Fedorova I. V., Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Russian Medieval Literature, Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences  

3. Contact Information
e-mail: odrl@mail.ru
tel.: +7 (812) 328-19-01

4. Thematic Description of the Edition

The annual edition “Trudy Odtela Drevnerusskoi Literatury” is one of the most authoritative Russian editions that examines Russian Medieval Literature in the perspective of its history, international contacts. The main problems of the edition are the questions of poetic characteristics and textology of Russian Medieval Literature. The edition presents research papers which reflect philological and historical approaches to different Russian Medieval literature genres interpretation. The important part is a publication of unique archive materials.

5. Rules for Authors

For publishing in editions of the Department of Russian Folklore there accepted papers never previously published elsewhere in Russian (including electronic media). The authors whose texts have been accepted for publication are invited to a permanent communication with the Editorial Board members via e-mail in order to solve organizing problems and to make distant editing. We kindly ask the authors to inform us immediately in case of sending the accepted article to another edition.

Preparing your paper for publishing in our edition please take into consideration the following rules

1. Presenting of a paper. Please send your papers on the e-mail: folkirli@gmail.com (Andrey Nikolayevich Vlasov, Head of the Department).

2. Formatting of text: please use Microsoft Word 1997-2003 (*doc or *rtf extension). Times New Roman style, 12 pt, line spacing - 1,5 pt; fields: top and bottom - 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1,5 cm.

3. Footnotes must be made automatically, with a continuous numbering, in the bottom of the page.

4. Bibliographical references must be made in footnotes:

a. For the first time the reference must be the most possibly complete. When refering to a part of a document (an article in a collection) the description must be as following: Surname, Name (italic). Title of an article // Title of a paper. Place of publishing, yea of publishing. Number of volume. Pages. After every abbreviation and number there must be a point, a word after point – from the capital letter (Examples: Istoriya russkogo dramaticheskogo teatra. M., 1982. V. 6. P. 138; Eremina V. I. A. A. Shakhmatov. Stranicy zhizni // Russkiy folklor. SPb., 2004. V. 32. P. 25). Further the reference must be made in abbreviated form (Example: Ivanov I. A. O khudozhestvennyh funkciyah imen sobstvennyh… P. 68).

b. When refering to archive materials the name of an archive must be written in abbreviated form. The reference to a manuscript must be made as following: Abbreviated name of n archive – abbreviated place in a fond – pages of a manuscript (L. or L. ob.). After every abbreviation and number there must be a point, a word after point – from the capital letter (Examples: RO IRLI. F. 96. Op. 14. #11. L. 42 – ob.75).

5. Images and music examples (notations) must be presented in *tiff or *jpg formats, resolution not less than 600 dpi.

Requirements for notations: а. width of musical line –not more than 12 cm; b. scale of notations (recording in “Finale”) – 70–80%. Complete and exact captions must be made for every image, please present them as a list.

6. List of abbreviated names of organizations and editions must be applied in a separate file for a List of Abbreviations.

7. Annotation and list of key words in Russian and English must be applied in a separate file. The annotation must contain the subject-matter of the paper and your results (conclusions).